What’s In Your Bag Ankita Tiwana?

Equipment watch for young golfers

Golf in India

Ankita Tiwana is a top rated golfer on the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour run by the WGAI. She has been making steady progress with her game.

Here are a few interesting facts about the secrets in her golf bag.

Let’s peep inside Ankita Tiwana’s golf bag

1. What is the most prized possession in your golf bag?

My driver

2. What are the must have things in the bag before you start your round?

Ankita Tiwana

Tees, balls, sunscreen, rain gear, alignment stick

3. Do you remember your first golf bag?

US Kids golf I think, it was a long time ago!

4. What are the clubs that you carry in your bag?

Driver, 3w, 5w, 4 rescue, pw-5i, 50 degree, 54 degree, 58 degree and putter

5. How do you mark your ball before each round?

The putting line and my name in Hindi

6. Do you have a special bond with your bag? Any particular sentiments associated with it?

When I see my bag on the range, I get the same feeling I get when I see a family member. It’s an extension of my being.

7. Can you recollect a funny anecdote about your bag, while traveling or playing?

I think most of us players have had experiences where we reached the city of the tournament venue and our bags didn’t! So if we get lucky in that unlucky situation, the airline delivers the bag the next day which is usually practice round, and if we get really unlucky then we head straight to the first tee on the day of the tournament.

Besides that, we all reach well in time for our flights, mentally prepared to either smile or argue (usually depends on the person behind the counter at check in- we obviously prefer the smiling) our way through excess baggage thanks to the golf bags!

This one thing travelling with my golf bag has taught me is super light packing!


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