The Golf Tourist: Mandeo in the Valley

Mandeo Pathania: Driving up the valley to drive on its pristine fairways

Mandeo Pathania


The newest tourist in the valley is a golfer on a mission. Meet Mandeo Pathania who is exploring Kashmir’s best golf courses and bent grass. He got here driving up the hills and now is pumping iron on the fairway to see how he tests for them. Set to play upcoming tournaments in the region, Pathania is using the opportunity to not just beat the Delhi heat but also get a bit of practise.


[Q] What’s the pleasure of playing in the Valley? [/Q]
[A] I love driving in the hills and I drove down here to beat the Delhi heat and practice at the courses we will be playing events in the days ahead. I like to explore the unexplored so drove up to Chandanbari where the road ends and that’s where we found lotsa snow. The scenic beauty, the fresh air and love to see the ball fly 370 yards . [/A]




[Q] How do the courses play? [/Q]


[A] The courses are playing amazing as these are the only bent grass greens. [/A]




[Q] What kind of game strategy is ideal? [/Q]


[A] Game strategy is to be smart with your yardage and read the greens as per the hills and water. [/A]




[Q] How big a role can the Valley play in golf promotion? [/Q]



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