Bob’s Blog: The Old Course

My golf pilgrimage had its high point today - Bob's blog from The Old Course at St.Andrews




May 26, 2014. St. Andrews, The Old Course




My golf pilgrimage had its high point today. Everything was perfect, the surroundings, the weather and we were ready to tee off on the first tee at the old course. My heart must have been racing a 100 miles, my mind fixated on the ball, ‘ o lord, don’t let me mess this up’. Somebody must have been listening because I ended up with a par on the 1 st hole. With that behind me it was time to soak in the legend and history of this amazing place. Each hole was prettier than the next.




The front 9 had Rex flags, the back nines had white ones. I was lucky to have Hamish as my caddie again. Bunkers abound on the back 9, hidden, tucked away. Makes the golf all that more interesting and challenging. You see people from all corners of the globe on the course.teeing off on the 18th I was giddy. Imagine the backdrop, people strolling about, and here I am looking at the view unchanged for over 300 years. Today was a high point undoubtedly.




Now time for a bit of r and r. Tomorrow we are off to play Carnoustie or as they say car’nasty’.






[ALSO READ: Bob’s tee offs at Kingsbarns, Jubilee Course]

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