Five ways to shed that anger on the golf course

Ways to deal with it. Control it. Learn from it. Befriend it.

Anger management in golf is as important as your swing. It can shake your game. Anger may be camouflaged and subtly undermine your game. Some players consider anger as strength and power. Others feel it overcomes their ability.
Here are five steps for handling anger on the spot:
Step 1: Realize that anger is a toxin. Sometimes it provides a temporary high.  Even the top pros are going to have mishits and stupid mistakes. The one area you can control is how you react to those bad shots.
Anger evaporates your focus, removes logical thinking and your ability to find constructive solutions.
Step 2: Try and understand why you get angry. One of the key reasons for anger are opinions, rigid beliefs about how a particular situation must be addressed. Since everything in life isn’t about being black or white, it’s worth reminding yourself, there will be a lot of grey. Stay easy, open minded and let everyone have their own views. That will keep your anger at bay
Anger on the golf course
Step 3: Find an alternate to your sport as the calm builder of your life. Pick meditation, vipassana, dancing, painting or anything that can drive your mind to coolness. Get some balance to your life.
Step 4: Talk to yourself. Many players act as if their entire life depended on that last shot. Get over it, it’s not true. Your best shots are yet to come. Let that ball off the fairway not dent your pride and confidence.
Step 5: Change anger to control and turn it into a positive. Sometimes golfers are motivated by anger, which results from a fear of failure. When on the golf in the aftermath of some poor shots, it’s not the feeling of being that causes problems. The enormous attention we pay to that emotion of being angry and the rush to take decisions when in that stupor is what may hurt us. Tell yourself, I will not make that call. I will not speak a word. Turn from being a control freak to someone in control.

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