Naari Shakti – Golf on Republic Day!

As the whole country celebrates the power of #NaariShakti, sportswomen refuse to stay far behind. Delhi golfer Ekta Chaddha with her team played a Republic Day themed golf

As the whole country celebrates the power of #NaariShakti, sportswomen refuse to stay far behind. Delhi golfer Ekta Chaddha with her team played a Republic Day themed game of golf today.

Special Report by Shubhi Arora


As the whole country celebrates the power of #NaariShakti, sportswomen refuse to stay far behind. Delhi golfer Ekta Chaddha with her team played a Republic Day themed game of golf today. The women wore National Flag pins on their clothes and played a friendly game of golf as the national anthem played in the background.


When asked why she chose to celebrate the day this way, Chaddha said, “We were all in the spirit of Republic Day. Since Modi’s election as our country’s Prime Minister, there has been a strong sense of nationalism… and the way Mr. Amitabh Bacchan sung our national anthem was also powerfully inspiring. I have a strong sense of pride today.”


This year was all about advancing and celebrating women in all fields. Where we saw an all women contingent being led by an Indian woman at the parade, there were many others who celebrated their nationality in their own way. “Being Indian to me, means moving forward,” says Chaddha, adding, “Being Indian also means advancing your country by at least excelling in your field. I was in a patriotic spirit today, even bought myself a Banarasi Saree!”


Some people feel that the reason why the country seems to be in such high spirits regarding the Republic Day celebrations is because of the US President attending the Parade this time. Ekta agrees. She says, “Our current PM is meeting Barack Obama for the second time in 4-5 months… He received Obama so graciously; he seemed really confident and even addressed Obama by his first name… It’s really nice to see our PM not sucking up to another powerful leader.”

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